Friday, December 25, 2009

3Q MRC Annual Concert 2009

It was last October month for my daughter's annual concert. Every kid has the passion to present beautifully, especially you can sense this vividly. Parents were all around to watch their lovely children to show off at stage.

You can't find seriousness on stage performance. Why? What do you expect 3-year-old kid to present in pro way? :-) The whole performance was fun and full of laughs.

Below are some interesting captures.

Kids are normally imaginative and creative. Look! Flowers!

I checked with teacher why suddenly this young lady cried on stage. Due to they played the incorrect song in the beginning, this young lady unable to accept and stunned with crying respond. Teacher need to comfort her to calm down afterward.

Bumble Bee (Stop! I'm not from Transformer!)
Bumble Bee

Come on! Let's Swing!

Angels - reminds me David Tao's Angel song

Rest and ready
A Pair of Angels

Give me FIVE!
Give me FIVE!

Kids normally will have lots of facial expression! No fool, they are not camera shy~ If they do, they bluff only :-)

Proud Parents to capture their kids' moment
Proud Parents

Friday, December 4, 2009

小管家 (5) - 做什么呢?


女儿颖进入学校已一段时间,开始踏入另一种阶段 - 做什么呢? 其实做什么与为什么, 相差不远。

半年前,我神气地对老婆说, 让孩子发问吧,我正等着呢!



一幕... 悟空闯进太上老君的炼丹处


“... ...” (我开始抓头)
“爸爸,做什么那个猴子没有死?” 颖追问
“因为他有 super power” (我开始胡言)

原来我开始有一点招架不住, 招架不住时原来会开始胡言, 不只是抓头!
看来我必须作更多自然科学的温习, 不然会被问到地球为什么会转... 太阳为什么会发光... 这才开始够力!

Happy Anniversary Dearest!

Mickey & Minnie

To my dearest,

I may not be the same handsome guy at all time,
because age and railways wrinkles will crawl up my face soon.

I may not be the romantic guy who always send you flowers
because I know I must spend more on photography realistic stuffs

Anyway, happy anniversary!