Thursday, February 18, 2010

小管家 (7) - 白雪公主

Ying & Chia


事情是这样的... ...


傻闷了一分钟,我偷笑地回想:还好,颖还会分辨性别 - 我不是老巫婆!

Fairy tales always romantic in presentation, however after my daughter "modified" the version, personally I quite reluctant to let her watch...

The incident is like this...

"Papa, I wish to watch Snow White"
(I switch on the TV with boring face)

Another while, Ying danced while watched the movie, she imitated the seven dwarfs to whisper when they are marching back home. Then Ying started to modify and inform my wife:
"Ying is Snow White"

I nodded with smile, concluding she is very imaginative.
Another minutes, Ying shouted out:

"Papa is dwarf!"

Stunned for 1 minute, I grinned to myself and conclude: "At least Ying knows how to identify gender - luckily I'm not that old witch!"

Saturday, February 13, 2010

新年快乐 (Happy Chinese New Year 2010)


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

小顽皮 (1) - 喂奶风波

Chubby Fellow

正逢老婆没空,我必须撑起“重任” - 喂奶。平躺着大腿,左手撑着他的头,用右手喂奶。半途,阳开始用双手把奶瓶推进推出地玩,搞得满嘴满脸都是奶,我惟有用右手几只手指来分开他的注意力,中指控制他的左手,拇指控制他的右手。我得意地笑,终于把你给控制了。

没多久,阳不知哪学来的擒拿术,把我的中指与拇指分两个方向扒开,握奶瓶的食指,无名指与小指差一点握不稳。毕竟在力道方面,我还占优势 - 阳开始反攻。两手开始向奶嘴移下,我还以为他又要把奶瓶拔出,我稳着奶瓶不让他得逞。谁知,他的两手的拇指同时塞进嘴,变成了拇指与奶嘴同时吮吸的现象,我开始呵呵地笑。阳似乎得意地笑 (就像上图的笑容),非常地放电。我开始失控地哈哈大笑,阳也呵呵地配合笑。我越叫阳专心喝奶,他就越大声呵呵地笑,还表演单手指与奶嘴同时吮吸。


Five months plus Yang starts to act naughty and learn "chicky" way.

While my wife is busy, I take up the mission to feed him milk. Lying relax on my lap, left arm supporting his head, my right hand starts the feed. Halfway, this young fellow started to use his both hands to push in and push out the feeding bottle to play, at the end? his face and lips are full of milk. I used my fingers to distract his attention to play - thumb to control his right palm while middle finger to control his left palm. Yes, I win. Everything is under controlled.

Another while, no idea where Yang learnt up Chin-Na, he knows how to use his hand to separate my thumb and middle finger in opposite direction which cause the feeding bottle almost fall down. In terms of force, I still gain advantage. Yang started his counter-attack, both his hands moved near to his mouth, I applied little force to prevent him from taking the bottle out again. Unexpectedly, he suddenly put his both thumbs into his mouth to suck with the bottle. I started to grin with "hehe" expression, Yang also grin to me (exactly like the photo shown above), just like he gained his advantage on controlling. Then I started to laugh out loud, he immediately align with me with loud laugh. The more I ask him to focus on drinking milk, the more "chicky" way he demo to me - single thumb suck with the feeding bottle!

My tears come out uncontrollably, stomach almost cramp just because of his "chicky" way to entertain. My wife shouted from living room: "What happen to both of you? A feeder and a feeded can be so much fun in the room?"

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

小管家 (6) - 中招


颖开始学会玩电脑游戏 - 飞机射击比赛,利用滑鼠来操控,显得得心应手。我这个老爸利用键盘来陪玩,操控显得有一点笨,上下左右, 只能四方形飞法, 满搞笑!

颖兴致大起, 用滑鼠的灵活操控,把几个power gun 给抢“吃” 掉,“吃”掉后还说风凉话,
“爸爸,那个power 为什么不吃?”
“... ... ”

我把飞机操控在她的飞机前,终于抢了power gun。
“... ... ”

“爸爸,那个power gun 来了”,我赶忙连按两个键,以为可以斜飞去抢,谁知电脑“嘟”的一声,飞机停顿了一会,颖把滑鼠一拉,又抢“吃” 掉!
“爸爸,您看您为什么这么慢!” 颖努努嘴。


Ying picked up plane shooting game. She is keen to use mouse to control smartly. I seem to look clumsy
to use keyboard to control. Up down left right, only fly in retacgular direction, looks terribly funny indeed.

When Ying is in good form to control the airplane, she won't consider her partner to increase the gun
power to share. She "grab" and says

"Papa, why you don't grab that super power gun?"
"... ..."

I adjusted the plane in front of her, yes! finally I grab the super power gun.
"Papa, you should share the benefit with me"
"... ..."

"Papa, I see the power gun," I immediately press two keys to fly diagonal direction, unfortunately
after the computer come out a beep sound, the plane temporarily stopped for 1 second. Ying adjusted her
mouse, she grabbed the power gun again!
"Papa, why you are so slow respond," She teased.

Due to distraction of the beep sound, my plane crashed because of air-grenate.
Not having time to react on this, Ying continues her tease: "Papa, you are hit again!"