Monday, February 23, 2009


Outstanding (5)

在现今的群体生活中,孤独始终还是让大部分的人产生极大的误解和敌视。 孤独就像一种怪癖,隔离人群,逃避现实的一种藉口。到底你也是其中的一个人有这样的见解吗?

其实孤独并不是一般人所想像中的怪僻习惯,它只是一种没有与别人做直接的交往,在某个特定的时间和空间内,正在享受开放,自在和自悟的心态。犹记得在大学读书时, 有一位同学曾经问过我类似的问题:“你不觉得寂寞,时常孤独地一个人用餐?” 当时我真得找不到更好地解释来让这位朋友来明白,直到我读了 Philip Koch 所写的<<孤独>>,才知道我已开始明白孤独的初步意义。


首先,孤独使心灵赴于宁静。外在的安静可以带来内心的平静, 在平静中可以关照历历往事,明辨成败得失,由此明白人情事理。 二是向内考虑自身言行,以求表现通情达理。这两点都是学习与教育的明定目标。至于思想的第三种作用,则是向上提升一求领悟人生意义。

Philip Koch 在他所着的<<孤独>>用哲学的角度来探索孤独这一人生无可逃避的宿命。最引人如胜之处要算是作者广泛的引用了来自希腊以迄今的宗教,哲学,文学大师的观点,在思想上作具有深度和广角的引导。


Starship - Abstract, originally uploaded by Hong CN.


25 Sept 1998 (0320)

知识 ,以字面作直接解释:知,知道;识 ,认识。知道后认识,是拿两种或以上的事物作比较,而得到的结论。知识可以通过读书和试验取得,它是一种受时间(时代)所限制的应用公具。这一点可以从爱因思坦的广义相对论中推翻牛顿的力学定律中获得证实 (物质体在进行光速移动时)

智慧比知识更进一步地广泛涉及到创作和领悟。 它是一种累积多年的经验和心得的产物。 智慧是主动的;然而,知识是被动的。知识所偏重的是万物的差别相,越分越细;智慧所观看的欲是万物的共同相,能够异中求同。

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wise Word (3)

Lantern night

The happiness cannot be taken by other, because it is not given by the other
~ Ralph Marston

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Introduction to food blog

Planning to write a food blog regarding to traditional foods quite some while. With the bombarding various kind of restaurant franchises and fast food chain, traditional foods or snacks are facing vast impact on surviving its own stand. I have a small and personal vision - to hunt all these down to introduce, at least we alert and continuing support them.

I'm an "old-biscuit", had good memories on old foods, ranging from Chinese, Nyonya, Malay, Indian and etc.

Examples: -
- Do you know how Cantonese Wantan noodles sell in old times? The seller ride his stall using the spoon to hit the bowl to attract attention on Wantan noodles selling. You don't have to look out from house, you just listen to the "tok-tok-tok" sound.

- Do you know Indian selling those curry puffs and kuih Talam in a big round metal tray using his head to support and sell around? I miss that too.

If you happen to see or try out any traditional local food, please do not hesitate to include your name and location information. I will include your name in my writing after I personally visit there.

Here comes the new blog created -

Have great days and enjoy hunting for foods :-)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

2009 Chinese New Year Reunion meals

For every Chinese in every part of the world, I assume they are pressing how most important to have annual reunion meal together with family members. This should be a tradition to carry on to remind ourselves, our children, grand children and great grand children how good we can enjoy meal together.

I personally enjoy reunion meals very very much with my family and in-law family. Thanks.

烤鸭 - Roasted Duck

“大姨妈嫁女“ - Mixed Sliced Veges with mushroom

“刀底” - Steam Fish

香菇鲍鱼 - Abalon with mushroom (oyster sauce)

包菜花抄杂 - Mixed cauliflower with veges

甜酸大虾 - Sweet-sour big prawns

客家猪手 - Hakka Pig Hand

新年捞生 - Chinese New Year Lou Shang

“大姨妈嫁女” (乾燥版) - Mixed Sliced Veges with mushroom (dry version)

黑酱油侧肉 - Meat in dark soy sauce

蒸鱼  - Steamed fish

阿杂 - "Acar" In Malay

广东猪脚 - Guang Dong Pig Hand

Friday, February 13, 2009

开怀篇 (1) - 姓氏

Hulk's tree?!!, originally uploaded by Hong CN.

读了一篇《歪曲三国》小段相声... 改少许成白话...

老子道:孔明的老母姓 - 吉氏。

老子道:周瑜的老母姓 - 何氏。

老子道:老豆,您没听说过周瑜斗不过孔明时, 向着苍天大声叹气 - 既生瑜,何生亮!

老豆道:真笨! 无事生非嘛!~