Saturday, February 14, 2009

2009 Chinese New Year Reunion meals

For every Chinese in every part of the world, I assume they are pressing how most important to have annual reunion meal together with family members. This should be a tradition to carry on to remind ourselves, our children, grand children and great grand children how good we can enjoy meal together.

I personally enjoy reunion meals very very much with my family and in-law family. Thanks.

烤鸭 - Roasted Duck

“大姨妈嫁女“ - Mixed Sliced Veges with mushroom

“刀底” - Steam Fish

香菇鲍鱼 - Abalon with mushroom (oyster sauce)

包菜花抄杂 - Mixed cauliflower with veges

甜酸大虾 - Sweet-sour big prawns

客家猪手 - Hakka Pig Hand

新年捞生 - Chinese New Year Lou Shang

“大姨妈嫁女” (乾燥版) - Mixed Sliced Veges with mushroom (dry version)

黑酱油侧肉 - Meat in dark soy sauce

蒸鱼  - Steamed fish

阿杂 - "Acar" In Malay

广东猪脚 - Guang Dong Pig Hand


KM's Corner 刻骨铭心 said...

The foods look delicious.. yummy.. feel so hungry now!

Hong CN said...

KM, thanks for the compliment :-) If this activates your hunger, then the magic spell works effectively :-)