[Photos saved from http://www.shutterasia.com/forum/showthread.php?t=14441]Time: 0500 - 0600
Event kickstarted at 0500 when Pixels Digital Media Community Centre level 1 was full of noises and annoucement. Several "seniors" in the SA group were giving "speech". Among them, James Wu was the one who gave me deep impression on his humourous facial expression. I told myself more fun is on its way to welcome all of us :-)
Azmi, James Wu, Edwin, HCN, Toshio and small brief from Arden (founder of Pixels).
Our faces are still fresh in the early morning --> energetic, excited and joyful of course.
Hmmm... by the way, where were others' intro? I wonder.
3 groups getting ready to roll out!
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
what event is this?
Sara, it was Penang in 24 Hours (photography)
You guys started at 5 o'clock in the morning? Boy, this is unbelievable. U need 101% discipline to wake up so early.
Kah May
not discipline. in fact, I only slept 3 hours before the event started :-P Over-chat with my old friend until 12 something. "Steam"!!!
haha... it is a challenge for ourselves! in fact, I believe most of us did not "sleep well" for at least 30 hours that day itself and one day before...
Xavier, yes it was not a good sleep, thus after this event, it really took me 3 days to recover... anyway, if still have this insane project, don't exclude me :-) thanks a lot :-)
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