Monday, November 29, 2010

Home Made Pizza

I'm a fan of Italian thin crush pizza with extra cheese. Big conflict! I'm in the progress of slimming down. Well, I have a bad habit - loose rational thought for good food first, then workout heavily later. Please don't imitate this method. If you are on diet plan, please stop viewing the pictures below. If you fail, please join me - let's get FAT... little bit! Evil evil evil!

Well, I broke my own record on shooting unbelievable extreme low shutter speed (for me, it is 1/5 secs in handheld mode!)

Delicious Pizza (Tuna & Sausage)

Delicious Pizza (Sausage, Mushroom & Sliced Tomatoes)


Yi Pian Yun said...

哇, 够好吃,流口水了!哈哈!

Hong CN said...

流口水是好事 :-P 我们都是正常的一群,哈哈