Sounds not so good to put virgin term. I can't help this as this is a completely new and first time experience to shoot in medium format (MF in current acronym. Ahem, not for manual focus). Make a dare move to kickstart using Yashica B without any metering is interesting to test my own instinct on lighting condition.
Of course, don't mention about out-of-focusing by just looking at that big viewfinder. Honestly, I still cannot confirm my focusing details by the viewfinder. I still use "extra bloody big" magnifier glass to CONFIRM! Scary huh? Check the below viewfinder again.
Kodak Pro 160
An analogue expert, Kevin alerted me earlier on its colour output. Without much expectation, the colour tone is more towards warm. Thus I purposely challenge myself with "virgin" roll to shoot casual portraits.
This is digital shot, mind you!
This film may not be your cup of tea but I like that kind of faded old colour tone that gives you another kind of moody feel. Indeed portrait film and feeling is very subjective then.
My dad who showed and passed me his Yashica B, my rational part completely GONE! Great job dad!
Instinct or doing maths?
Shooting film without metering seriously polish up your alertness - another exact term - instinct. After finished this roll, I just learnt about the Sunny Rule 16 (I forgot the name again, any expert probably can correct me please.). For instance, if you are using ISO 100 film, under sunny day, set your f value to 16 and shutter speed set exactly the same as your ISO value - shutter speed is 1/100. Doing math? I'm not good on this.
Scanning Result
Using the old Genius ColorPage-HR7X slim scanner, I don't feel any limited features to give a reasonable good output. One of my main reason to play around with film, I'm rather lazy enough to do any editing. Same with the scanning effort, no colour adjustment, no highlighting, no sharpening. Scanning result is AS IT IS. Otherwise what the heck of shooting film. The only thing I do with imaging editing software - put EXIF info and resize it for upload convenient. Imagine without resizing, 20Mb with 2400dpi set. You will just sit in front of your desktop to wait for another hours just to upload. Worth? I don't think so. Resize works, period.
Indoor colour tone even more warm. 1980 photo? No! It's 2011!
Colour or Black-and-White?
This is very interesting to explore. After this roll output, my wife immediately complained why not focusing on her. Great, I'm trapping myself to receive complain :-) I may get another Kodak roll to plan or start my own B&W street portrait with full force. Who knows? Don't assume how deep is the water, just jump and you will know the answer soon :-)